Monday, April 4, 2011

Step 1 - Where to Begin?

Where do you start in the process of relocating?
In my experience so far, it has been extremely frustrating. If you are trying to
relocate due to a job offer, then a lot of the process has already begun for
you, but wanting to move just because you want to, not because you have to, is
another matter entirely. 

It can be a lonely, frustrating process. No one can really do the work for you.

Which comes first?  The job, or the move?

My plan is to try and find a job first.  This sounds nearly impossible during these tough, economic times, and almost laughable really.  (Thus the purpose of this blog)  I have to admit, it can feel impossible.

So I asked myself the obivious questions:
Should I sell my house prior to finding employment?  Then I'm left to possibly moving twice, to a temporary
living arrangement here locally, which in my position, is highly unlikely and expensive. 

I could sell my house (if it would sell) and move directly there without a job, but then where would I live?  I have two children to consider as well. I could use savings, etc. but what if a job doesn't come and it's months before I gain employment?

I could work a possible temporary assignment, but most don't pay well or offer benefits and still, you have competition for those jobs.
Still, all are options that must be considered.

So... Step 1
I spoke to many friends, relatives, business associates and am doing as much networking as possible in finding a position first. I find this can only be beneficial to a point, but luck still as to be on your side, as there still has to be an opening that you are qualified for, etc.

Part of this "Step 1" process is not to let the stress eat you alive. After discussing all the options over and over, I'm left to still find a way on my own.  No one else can do it for you. There is no magic wand or Genie, granting everything you need to be successful. A good friend told me that I need to stay positive, keep things in perspective. It's true, being negative is not productive.  This is not an easy process and it does make you question yourself, your abilities, and even your sanity.  So I keep moving forward. My goal?  To be there before school starts in the fall.

Wow... I know.

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